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Nível Avançado - Conceitos Avançados sobre o Valor do Dinheiro no Tempo

No Nível Avançado, concluiremos nosso estudo do Valor no Tempo do Dinheiro (VDT) cobrindo áreas avançadas que não foram cobertas anteriormente. Estes conceitos estão assentados naquilo que aprendemos nos níveis Básico e Intermediário. TAmbém cobriremos um resumo da calculadora manual Hewlett Packard 10B que relacionamos nos nossos termos de VDT.

1. Início e fim do período.
Beginning or End of the Period is the time when reoccurring payments take place and are calculated. As a general rule, loan payments are calculated at the end of the period and investments are calculated at the beginning of the period. Monthly payments received at the beginning of the period (Jan.1) will compound 12 periods in a calendar year. Monthly payments received at the end of the period (Jan.31) will compound 11 periods in a calendar year. Beg/End is also a calculator mode setting on the Hewlett Packard HP 10B Calculator when using it to calculate TVM problems. It only applies to reoccurring payments. See note below.
2. Nota: O modelo de calculadora FPC TVM usa os cálculos no final do período.

When using the FPC calculators for reoccurring payment investments, your calculations will be slightly less than expected as compared to a financial calculator. This is because our internet calculator uses end of period calculations. This will not significantly affect the interpretation of your calculations. For accurate TVM investment payment calculations, a financial calculator is recommended.

Termos Relacionados aos Juros

3. Juros Simples
Simple interest is applied to the principal only. You deposit $10000.00 in a savings account paying simple interest of 5% each year for 2 years. You will earn $500.00 in interest each year for a total amount of $1000.00 of interest for the two years.

4. Juros compostos
Compound interest is applied to principal plus interest. Thus, earning compound interest will yield a greater return on your investment than simple interest. You deposit $10,000.00 in a savings account for two years, paying compound interest of 5%. You will earn $500.00 in interest the first year and $ 525.00 in interest the second year for a total of $1,025.00 of interest for the two years.

  5. Juro Nominal
Nominal interest is the stated rate of interest. Your bank states that it is currently paying 4.5% on passbook savings accounts.

  6. Composição
Compounding is the process of calculating TVM problems when using multiple periods in a calendar year, or multiple years. Total periods are greater than one. This is the power of the time value of money .

  7. Composição Intraperíodo
Intraperiod compounding is interest compounding for more than one period in a calendar year. You earn more interest if it is compounded quarterly rather than annually.

  8. Taxa de Juros Efetiva/ também chamada de Taxa Percentual Anual (TPA)
Effective interest is used to interpret the results of compounding (principal and interest). It is the ratio of compound interest to principal, expressed in percent. Thus a bank that is paying a nominal interest rate of 10% and compounds semiannually is actually paying a effective interest rate of 10.25%. Note - if the compounding is annually, the nominal and effective interest rate will be the same since there is only one compounding period.

9. Taxa de Desconto / também chamada de Taxa Requerida de Retorno
Discount rate is a term used to describe the nominal interest when calculating the PV (principal). It is the rate of return that you require on your investment. It is a reverse calculation of PV:FV. The calculation process is called "discounting the FV", "discounting" or "discount value". You expect to receive $1100.00 in the future and your required rate of return or discount rate is 10%; the present value is what you are solving for.

  10. Taxa de Crescimento
Growth rate is a term used to describe the process of calculating the annual growth or interest rate of a series of payments or receipts. Your stock has had increased the dividend payouts per share for the past 5 years; you can determine the growth rate.

Termos Relacionados aos Cálculos dos Ativos

Usindo a calculadora manual Hewlett Packard 10B (ou calculadoras FPC), você pode aplicar as bases do valor presente, o valor futuro e os pagamentos aos cálculos da vida real. Qualquer um pode resolver estes tipos de cálculos usando uma calculadora.

11. Amortização de empréstimo
Loan amortization is the process of calculating reoccurring Payments of (principal and interest) to payback the known Present Value of (principal). Your mortgage loan and automobile loan are two examples of loan amortization.

12. Anuidade
A series of equal deposits or withdrawals made over equal time periods.

13. Anuidade Postecipada
Ordimary annuity is a annuity where reoccurring payments occur at the end of a period. Also commonly referred to as deferred annuity and regular annuity.

14. Anuidade Antecipada
Annuity due is a annuity where reoccurring payments occur at the beginning of a period. The future value of a annuity due will be greater than the ordinary or deferred annuity because payments are made at the beginning rather than at the end. Beginning payments will accumulate more interest than those occurring at the end.

15. Perpetuidades
A perpetuity is a annuity with a indefinite life. The principal of a perpetuity is equal to the ratio of annuity to interest. A $2,000 annuity at 10% requires a principal of $20,000.

16. Componentes da calculadora TVM

There are four catagories to be aware of when using a calculator to calculate the Time Value of Money. The catagory components are as follows:
a. Ativos : present value, future value, and payments. One of which is known, and you are solving for one other.
b. Juros : interest per year, most often the nominal rate
c. Períodos de tempo : periods per year , number of years, and total periods.
d. Função início-final : calculations occurring at the beginning or end of a period.

These components relate to labels on buttons located on the Hewlett Packard 10 B as follows -

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