Dados Iniciais sobre o Efeito Fotoelétrico

Electrons ejected from a sodium metal surface were measured as an electric current. Finding the opposing voltage it took to stop all the electrons gave a measure of the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons in electron volts.

Further analysis


Millikan reference

Photoelectric effect
 ***** Física Quântica Voltar

Early Photoelectric Effect Data

Planck hypothesis


Millikan reference

Photoelectric effect
 ***** Física Quântica Voltar

The Planck Hypothesis

In order to explain the frequency distribution of radiation from a hot cavity (blackbody radiation) Planck proposed the ad hoc assumption that the radiant energy could exist only in discrete quanta which were proportional to the frequency. This would imply that higher modes would be less populated and avoid the ultraviolet catastrophe of the Rayleigh-Jeans Law.

The quantum idea was soon seized to explain the photoelectric effect, became part of the Bohr theory of discrete atomic spectra, and quickly became part of the foundation of modern quantum theory.


Interaction of radiation with matterElectromagnetic spectrumBasic quantum processes

Photoelectric effect
 ***** Física Quântica Voltar

Photon Energies for EM Spectrum

x 10^ eV
eV =MeV =GeV


x 10^m

= m
= nm
= microns


x 10^Hz

= kHz = MHz
= GHz
= 1/cm (wavenumber)

Planck hypothesis

Interaction of radiation with matter

 ***** Física Quântica Voltar